Come to learn about Christ and to make him known.

Youth Group

The desire of our staff and volunteers is to come alongside students in their spiritual life to help them to know Christ, to live for Christ, and to tell others about Christ.

Sunday Morning

We meet at 10:30 AM in the LOFT for worship & Bible teaching.

What to Expect

Follow the crowd & meet us upstairs for some hang out time before we begin.

Wednesday Night

We meet at 7:00 PM for games and group Bible discussions.

Training the Next Generation

Gospel-focused Teaching

Above all, our desire is to clearly teach our students the good news of the salvation offered through the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Biblical Literacy

We strive to train our students how to read and interpret Scripture so that they will be lifelong lovers of God and his Word.

Biblical Worldview

We want our students to understand how a relationship with God changes every aspect of their lives.


Our middle school students will set off for our Fall Retreat to Camp Otyokwah in Butler, OH on November 8th for a weekend of fellowship and focus on God’s Word (and of course some fun along the way!) Price to be determined as we get closer to the retreat.

We’ll also have some other events throughout the fall, so be on the lookout for more information! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!


Both Middle School & High School students are invited to grow in their faith & deepen relationships through both service trips & retreats through the year.

September 15: Student Ministry Fall Kickoff

For students in 6th – 12th grade, we will be having our annual fall kickoff at Peffer Park on September 15 from 4-7pm. Expect food and fun! 

There are scholarships available to cover any costs needed for students. Please let me know if cost is a factor and we will ensure that your student(s) are able to come on this retreat!

What We Are Studying

Sunday Morning Series

Wednesday Night:
High School

Wednesday Night: Middle School

We will be beginning a new series on Wednesday night, beginning tonight and lasting through the month of May, entitled “God’s Good Design: Examining What God Says About Sexuality and Gender”. Some conversations I and other leaders have had in the past few months with parents and students, coupled with the near arrival of June as pride month, have made me think that this would be a good time to do a brief series relating to sex, gender, and LGBT issues. I’m sure that our students are dealing with these topics in their schools and will be bombarded with propaganda come June, so my desire is to prepare our students and reinforce them with God’s truth. We’ll start tonight by looking at Genesis 1:26-28 and 2:18-25 and God’s creation of male and female. Later in the month, we’ll look at other passages that address behaviors that go against this design and why they are sinful, and also allow some weeks for the students to ask questions with our leaders in male only and female only settings.

All discussions will be appropriate for a church setting, but since this is a delicate topic, I wanted to inform you, the parents, in case you had any hesitation about allowing your student to participate in a series like this. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, and I’ll be happy to answer. 

Join Us Wednesday Nights at 7:00!

Meet Our Youth Ministry Director!

Please reach out! I’d love to hear from you!

Justin Kailer

Justin joined the Oxford Bible Fellowship staff in January 2019.  As the Student Ministries Director, he oversees the developing and teaching curriculum for all of our students. He loves seeing how the truths of faith take hold and change students’ perspectives and priorities in life.

Justin began attending Oxford Bible Fellowship while studying economics and finance at Miami University, from which he graduated in 2013. He then served with a missions’ organization in the country of Fiji for a year before returning to Oxford and marrying his wife, Alexandria. The Lord has since blessed them with two children. Justin loves playing sports and is an avid fan of all Pittsburgh’s professional teams and Liverpool F.C. He also enjoys board games, learning about church history, reading fiction, and spending time with friends.

Director of Student Ministries and Finance

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