Active Participants in God's Work

Service Opportunities

We urge attendees to become members and active participants in the work that God is doing at Oxford Bible Fellowship. Our aim is to move away from a staff-heavy model of church and release ministry to volunteer leaders with staff oversight. Find out how your talents can be used to God's glory!


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Our greeting team aims to make others feel welcome as they enter our doors. This team also provides information in the Next Steps area.


Help individuals find a seat without having to guess & wander the sanctuary.

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Coffee Prep

This behind-the-scenes service helps  make sure everyone has that extra boost to stay awake!

Youth Ministry

High School

Lead small groups on Sundays & Wednesdays and develop relationships with 9-12th graders.

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Middle School

Lead small groups on Sundays & Wednesdays and develop relationships with 6-8th graders.

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Disciple Students

Serve students and families by coming alongside (one word) them and teaching students how to walk with God in their youth.

Help with Events

There is always a need for people to help with existing events and even host or plan extra events and opportunities for the youth to get together.

Worship Team

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Have a great singing voice? Come join us!

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Join our worship team with your instrumental expertise! We welcome a range of instruments. Right now, we especially need a drummer.

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Operating Powerpoint

Our sound and light team manages the microphones, lights, etc. from the sound booth. No experience is needed.

Operating Sound & Light

Sit in the sound booth and make sure the microphones, lights, etc. are functioning correctly. No experience needed.

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Video: Pre & Post Production

Our video team sets up the online streaming and afterwards, uploads the Sunday service to Youtube.

Children's Ministry

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Helping in the Nursery

Our nursery team is responsible for infants ages 0-18months old. The team will rock, hold, change, and play with these infants during the Sunday service.

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Each class has a lead teacher who looks at the material ahead of time and typically volunteers 2 weekends a month.

Room Helper

Our children’s ministry volunteers serve snack, play, and assist with lessons, while the lead teacher prepares the lesson & runs the class.


Our Children’s Ministry greeters welcome parents and help them sign in.

Sign Up

If an opportunity interests you, please sign up! If there is something else you would like to do to serve the church, please contact us to chat about your idea!

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