Making Life Disciples Training

"Grow in your faith–celebrate life." Making Life Disciples is a course created by Care-Net, a gospel centered pro-life ministry, to equip individuals in the church community to offer compassion, help and hope to women and men facing pregnancy decisions. Register here and join us Sunday, January 26th, at 10:30am to start this 12-session course. You will learn how women and men can be transformed by the gospel of Christ and in turn, empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families.

Annual Meeting + Chili Cook-Off

Let's get ready to celebrate what God has done at Oxford Bible Fellowship this past year and look forward with great expectation for what He will do this year! Please join the Annual Meeting on January 26th at 5:00 PM! We would love to have every member and regular attendee come! We will be voting on the proposed budget and elder nominee, David Kahre. If you are unable to join us in person, the meeting will be live-streamed. If you're unable to attend, grab a proxy form. Any member who is unable to attend the Annual Meeting in person on January 28th should pick up a proxy form at the Next Steps area in the lobby or stop by the church office during business hours to pick one up. Lastly, sign up here for the chili cook-off (or bring another food item to share)! If you aren't interested in making chili, please write your name down in the Next Steps area to bring a side dish to contribute to the dinner. We will also email about the additional food items and you can let us know what you're bringing there.

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